Thursday, November 03, 2005

Guy Fawkes

The Daily Grind

On Saturday we plan to have a bonfire party with fireworks. I’ve put a load of stuff in a heap that we hope will burn. I’ve got to cut a load of bramble and weeds out of the garden, so that the kids don’t get snagged and shredded as a result of my poorly maintained garden plants. It’s rained quite a lot over the past few days – so the top of my fire heap will most likely be wet. The wind has also been doing a fair amount of blowing, at the same time as the rain. This I suspect will have made the middle and base of my heap damp as well. I think therefore that on Saturday we will be having a firework party which will end with a smoldering, smoking heap that drives everyone away.


Anonymous said...

Remember to take a can of petrol in case it rains.

Jayster said...

Yes - Next year I'll try to rememeber NOT to bring a can of petrol. Maybe I'll find a source of Napalm?

Anonymous said...

Mix petrol with gelatin and an alakali e.g. liquid soap.