Friday, September 09, 2005

Berkshire, bikes and other assorted idiotic ramblings

The Motorcycle Diary
OK – So here be 2 of the bikes – this is the ‘basket cases’ Which, as you can see in the case of the A10 is not strictly true. It’s pretty much all in one piece, and shouldn’t take too much to get up and running again. The A7 is in a less rideable state, most of it is in various, sheds, cupboards and garages - In the hopes that one day the hairy fairies will come and put it all together for me..

I still believe that Santa is really a biker, but due to the icy conditions during his more publicized visits, finds that a sleigh pulled by reindeer is a more reliable form of transport than his usual red Harley!

The Art Project
OK – I might need a little help and advice here. – Anybody know about using clear resin to make paperweights? – If I use it to suspend a dead creature – will it prevent any further decomposition? – Where (in UK) can I get such resin, and how do I use it?

In a similar vein, I’m thinking about selling one of my nasty ass paintings – that’ll be interesting! – First I’ll have to put it in a frame to give it a bit of class.

Thought For The Day
It’s just struck me how many people worldwide find Reading to be interesting – (Yes – I browse through the categories – What of it?), and whist I agree that in theory, Reading is OK – I’ve been there a few times with my Sons to visit the Royal Berkshire Hospital, I would have thought that perhaps there are other surrounding towns that would be of more interest – Maidenhead, for example - Windsor, with it’s royal connections, even Slough - Given that it’s been being treated to a new lease of life by comedians such as Ali G and Ricky Gervais. – so come on folks, let’s not just follow the sheep into Reading, lets be adventurers in the magical county that is Berkshire!

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