Monday, September 12, 2005

Officially - A DJ No More!

I guess that makes my name a little redundant doesn’t it. –On Saturday I parted company with my twin turntable decks and speakers. A sad moment, we’ve been together for about 20 years, although my DJ kit has been in storage in the loft for something between 6 and ten years. I sold them to another Northern Soul fan, who intends to take them over to France, so at least they’ll still be playing decent, music.

I’m quite happy to come out and do the odd guest spot as either a 60’s soul / R&B jock, or as a 1950’s rock’n’roll / rockabilly jock(Or both if that’s what you want.) - I just don’t want the hassle of booking halls, booking bands, and lugging tons of equipment up and down flights of stairs, backwards and forwards to my car, to the hall. I guess you could say that I’ve become DJ-Lazy Jay instead of DJ Crazy Jay! – If I can turn up at a gig, with a boxful of old 45 rpm singles, play a set, then either piss off home, or stay and enjoy the rest for the night as a dancer – That would suit me fine!

The Motorcycle Diary
I didn’t get round to treating the inside of my tank during the weekend. This makes the current situation vis a vie the bike more like a 3 Stooges movie, than a Marx Brothers one – ie – NOT FUNNY!

Thought For The Day
In Zen, it is said that if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there – does it make a noise? – could that be extended to – If there is only one person in the forest, but that person is deaf, does it make a noise then? – What if the re person is not deaf, but blind? – Does the tree then make a noise, but not bother falling over? – Zen’s got a lot to answer for!

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